Terrorisme og ekstremisme

Hjemmedyrket terror

Det spirer og gror i Europas terror-laboratorier: I går innrømmet en 25 år gammel brite av pakistansk opprinnelse å ha rekruttert muslimske trosbrødre til jihad og å ha drevet jihad-instruksjon i treningsleire på den engelske landsbygda. For tre dager siden fikk østerriksk tv et videobånd i hende, der anonyme, tysktalende jihadister truer med angrep mot tyske og østerrikske mål.

A Pakistani student urged British Muslims to join
jihad, or holy war, in the Middle East
and Afghanistan,
a court heard today as the suspect admitted to terrorism-related charges.

Abdul Rahman, 25, who
admitted disseminating terrorist information as part of a plea-bargain, was
linked to a “radical cell” committed to fighting jihad with their “Muslim
brothers,” Manchester Crown Court was told.

When arrested in January this year Rahman had a jiffy
bag ready to send to Afghanistan
containing two hunting knives and mobile phones.

Today he pleaded guilty to possessing a letter which
amounted to a “call to arms” from a friend who was fighting in Afghanistan,
as well as to disseminating terrorist propaganda and aiding the breach of a
control order. He faces up to six years in jail.

Dette melder TimesOnline.co.uk.
Gå ikke glipp av
videoen der Abdul Raham og assosierte mujahedeen trener på en

German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has
said his government is taking seriously a new threat contained in an Islamist
video demanding that Germany
and Austria
pull their troops out of Afghanistan.

In the video received by the Austrian broadcasting
corporation ORF on Tuesday, Nov. 20, a group calling itself the Global
Islamic Media Front
indirectly threatened attacks in Germany
and Austria
if the two states do not pull their troops from Afghanistan.

melder Deutsche Welle.de