Hege Storhaug, HRS
Den nye politikken ble vedtatt i det tyske parlamentet torsdag i forrige uke. Tvangsekteskap skal nå kunne straffes med fem års fengsel. Man må som utlending ha vært gift i tre år md en tysk borger, ikke to år som i dag, for at ekteskapet kan gi individuell oppholdstillatelse. Dette for å motvirke proformaekteskap, hvilket må karakteriseres som et svakt tiltak. Tiltaket som klart vil ha best integreringseffekt er kravet om å bestå tysk språk- og kunnskapsprøve for å få permanent opphold. Tyskland dilter således etter HRS sine forslag. Når kommer David Cameron på banen?
The German parliament approved a law on Thursday which calls for up to five years in prison for anyone forcing a girl or woman into marriage. The new law would also give non-German citizens who are forced by their husbands or families to leave the country after their marriage a legal right to return to Germany.
The parliament in Berlin also addressed several other issues related to the integration of foreigners in the society. In a move to prevent marriages of convenience, foreigners wedded to German citizens will now have to be married three years before a divorce in order to get their own independent residence permit. Prior law required them to be married two years.
Foreigners may now only get an unlimited residence permit when they have successfully completed an integration course, which includes language instruction and a proficiency exam. And young foreigners, between the ages of 15 and 21, who have lived in the country and attended school for six years, and who fall into the category of immigrants who are «tolerated» by the government until it reviews their status, will soon have the right to their own independent residence permit, provided that they are «well-integrated.»