Hege Storhaug, HRS
BBC radio har henvendt seg til over 200 lokale politimyndigheter i England, Skottland og Wales med forespørsel om antall rapporterte tilfeller av fysisk og seksuelt misbruk av barn ved koranskoler. BBC fikk svar fra 191 instanser, som rapporterte om totalt 421 tilfeller. Bare 10 tilfeller førte til rettssak, og ifølge BBC ble det kun fellende dom i to saker. I tillegg fanget BBC opp 30 rapporterte tilfeller av seksuelle overgrep ved såkalte Islamic supplempentary schools, som etter min forståelse ikke bare underviser i koranen (typisk tekstpugging), men også i islamske tradisjoner generelt. Ett av disse 30 tilfellene førte til fellende dom: en imam ble dømt til 16 års fengsel for voldtekt av en 12 år gammel gutt og seksuelle overgrep mot en 15-åring.
BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 asked more than 200 local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales how many allegations of physical and sexual abuse had come to light in the past three years.
One hundred and ninety-one of them agreed to provide information, disclosing a total of 421 cases of physical abuse. But only 10 of those cases went to court, and the BBC was only able to identify two that led to convictions.
The councils also disclosed 30 allegations of sexual abuse in the Islamic supplementary schools over the past three years, which led to four prosecutions but only one conviction.
The offender in that case was Mohammed Hanif Khan, an imam from Stoke-on-Trent who was imprisoned for 16 years in March this year for raping a 12-year-old boy and sexually assaulting a 15-year-old.
Some local authorities said community pressure had led families to withdraw complaints.
In one physical abuse case in Lambeth, two members of staff at a mosque allegedly attacked children with pencils and a phone cable – but the victims later refused to take the case further.
In Lancashire, police added that children as young as six had reported being punched in the back, slapped, kicked and having their hair pulled.
In several cases, pupils said they were hit with sticks or other implements.
Den muslimske befolkningen i Storbritannia er ung. Av rundt 2,5 millioner muslimer er over halvparten under 25 år. Dette har ført til at antallet koranskoler har vokst betydelig de senere årene. BBC fant således også at antallet rapporterte overgrepssaker øker år for år.
The number of cases appeared to be rising – among those councils which broke down the figures by year, there were 89 allegations of physical abuse in 2009, 178 in 2010 and 146 in the first nine months of this year.
With more than half of Britain’s 2.5m-strong Muslim population aged 25 or under, the number of madrassas, where children spend about 10 hours each week learning to recite the Koran in Arabic, is also growing rapidly.
Les hele saken hos BBC Child abuse claims at UK madrassas ‘tip of iceberg’