Hege Storhaug, HRS
Jenta dette handler om er nå fylt 18 år, og er dermed ikke under barnevernets omsorg lenger. Barnevernet klarer dermed heler ikke å beskytte fosteret. Jenta sier selv at hun ikke lenger frykter at familien vil ta livet hennes. Barnevernet mener på sin side mener at familien vil gjøre alt for å avbryte svangerskapet, og i ytterste konsekvens dreper både jenta og fosteret, melder Radio Netherlands
A juvenile court judge has refused to honour a request by the Child Protection Council to place a 17-week-old foetus under supervision, Dutch daily AD reports. The council sought protection for an unwed pregnant 18-year-old from a potential honour killing by her family.
Only unborn children older than 24 weeks are granted legal rights like protection under Dutch law, the court ruled.
The mother’s identity has not been revealed. While she was still a minor, youth welfare services housed her at a secret location. On turning 18, however, she moved close to her parents, saying she had nothing to fear. The Child Protection Council insists she is at risk.
“The family will do anything to stop the pregnancy. If she refuses to abort the baby, the family will not shrink from kicking her in the belly, mistreating her or even stabbing her.”
The Child Protection Council has voiced disappointment with the ruling. If the judge had placed the foetus under supervision, the mother would have had to accept the council’s help. She could have then been forced to return to a secret address.