Hege Storhaug, HRS
Det er jammen ikke verst, og det kan sikkert friste andre å kopiere dette: sørg for å bli mistenkt for terrortilknytning i et land som praktiserer tortur, flykt til Europa (fortrinnsvis Storbritannia), og søk asyl. Når du da får opphold, så fengsles for ekstremisme, deretter settes fri ved kausjon, åpner myndighetene lommeboka for deg. Ikke trenger du å jobbe, og tross boligmangelen på de britiske øyene, sikrer myndighetene deg hus med hage, og penger på bok til livsopphold.
Er det rart Abu Qatada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Qatada er en lykkelig mann i disse dager, der han kan nyte våren i egen hage nord i London, i Wembley?
Her er den sjarmerende mannen med hustru.
Og her forteller Qatadas bror om de lykkelige omstendighetene:
The hate preacher had initially moved into a £400,000 home in Wembley, North London – organised by the local authority – where his family were said to be paying £1,900 a month rent which they funded through benefits.
But the 51-year-old requested a move after complaints from the property’s owner, who was furious to discover he had unwittingly allowed the cleric to become his tenant.
Qatada’s brother, Ibrahim Othman, said: ‘He told us they have now given him a very nice new place, bigger than the first house he went to after the British let him go.
‘He is really enjoying his new home and so are his family. The inside is very modern and has been done up more nicely, it has more bedrooms and a larger garden.
‘It is better for the family. They are all very happy in the larger house. ‘My brother cannot work so the British government fund his family to live there. The new house is costing more but he does not have to pay it because there is no way he can earn money.’
Resten av historien kan du lese hos Daily Mail.