Systematisk seksuelt misbruk av barn, typisk britiske jenter, har pågått i et par tiår i Storbritannia uten å ha blitt tatt på alvor. Rasismekortet har stoppet handling fra myndighetenes side. Omfanget av overgrep begått av gjenger og grupper har man ikke oversikt over, og tall som er lagt på bordet de siste par årene antas å være toppen av isfjellet
I en fersk rapport sies det samme: man har registrert 2 409 ofre i en periode på 14 måneder. Det reelle antallet, sies det, er ”antakelig langt høyere”. Rapporten peker på 13 faktorer som kan indikere at et barn misbrukes. Faktorene er at barnet er meldt savnet, gjentatte ganger har fått påvist seksuelt smittbare sykdommer, misbruker alkohol eller narkotika, bedriver selvskading, og har andre fysiske skader.
Rapporten har identifisert 16 500 barn og unge som oppfyller disse kriteriene.
Det er registrert en voldsom overvekt av menn med såkalt asiatisk og sørøstasiatisk bakgrunn. 25 prosent av overgriperne skal ha denne bakgrunnen, samtidig som de kun utgjør 6,9 prosent av befolkningen.
The Sun skriver dette om rapporten som kan leses her
REPORT on Britain’s child abuse epidemic will deny a problem with Pakistani men targeting white girls — for fear of being seen as racist.
England’s deputy children’s commissioner Sue Berelowitz is to publish the bombshell report next week saying kids are facing abuse in every town and city.
But, in an explosive move, she will not state there is a specific problem with Pakistani men grooming and abusing vulnerable white girls.
Instead, Ms Berelowitz will argue that young girls are abused by men from all ethnic backgrounds.
Police and social services have already been accused of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse by Pakistani gangs in Rochdale, Lancs, and Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
One Whitehall source said: “It’s important we don’t take a politically-correct approach and pretend there is not a real problem here.
“Obviously abuse has been carried out by men from all sorts of ethnic background.
“But that doesn’t mean we cannot say there is an issue about groups of Pakistani men systematically targeting young white girls.”
Ms Berelowitz’s report is expected to paint a bleak picture of the scale of sex abuse across Britain.
Earlier this year she told a Commons committee how mobs of men and boys inflicted sickening attacks on young girls.
She revealed how one girl was repeatedly raped over several days by boys aged 14 and 15.
Her assailants used BlackBerry Messenger to tell pals to join in.
In many cases, the attackers bragged that they were trying to act out scenes they had watched in hardcore porn movies.
Girls as young as 11 were also forced to perform sex acts on large groups of boys for several hours.
And a group of men forced two boys to have sex and then used video footage to blackmail them into luring girls for them to rape.