
Truer med å halshugge elever i barneskolen

Via e-post har politiet i Warwick, Connecticut, mottatt spesifikke trusler om planlagte halshugginger av barneskoleelever i tre områder. Brevet ble mottatt i går, og i dag er det utstasjonert politibetjenter ved hver eneste skole i og ved Warwick.

Flere foreldre holder barna hjemme i dag, mens politiet sier at det antakelig er aller tryggest på skolen. Politiet sier videre at de ikke har fått kvalitetssikret hvorvidt trusselen er reell, men politiet reagerte særlig på ordene ”halshugging er planlagt”.

Col. Steven McCartney tells WPRO-AM that the threat specified that “beheading is planned.” He called the nature of the threat targeting children in Warwick, Cranston and Johnston chilling.

“There was a specific mention of elementary schools in this letter, the other thing which was the specific type of threat, which was beheading, is planned,” McCartney told WPRO.

Johnston police received the anonymous threat by mail on Tuesday. Police say officers will be at every school in Johnston, Cranston and Warwick through Friday.

Several parents said they’ll keep their children at home. McCartney says the schools may be the safest place to be.

“The intent of the Warwick Police Department is to allow the education of the students to continue safely,” McCartney told WPRO.

Cranston Supt. Judith Lundsten says recess will be canceled and students will not wait outside but will enter immediately.

Lt. Matthew Moynihan, a state police officer working for Cranston police, said authorities have not determined any validity to the threat.