I ni år bodde antroplogen og krigsfotografen Teun Voeten i den beryktede bydelen Molenbeek, kjent for sin islamisme og terroristproduksjon, i Brussel. Voeten var en idealistisk multikulturalist, men terrenget passet etterhvert dårlig med kartet.
I ni år observerte han hvordan islamismen gjorde bydelen stadig mer intolerant og hvordan nabolaget ble stadig mer segregert:
Over nine years, as I witnessed the neighborhood become increasingly intolerant. Alcohol became unavailable in most shops and supermarkets; I heard stories of fanatics at the Comte des Flandres metro station who pressured women to wear the veil; Islamic bookshops proliferated, and it became impossible to buy a decent newspaper. With an unemployment rate of 30 percent, the streets were eerily empty until late in the morning. Nowhere was there a bar or café where white, black and brown people would mingle. Instead, I witnessed petty crime, aggression, and frustrated youths who spat at our girlfriends and called them “filthy whores.” If you made a remark, you were inevitably scolded and called a racist. There used to be Jewish shops on Chaussée de Gand, but these were terrorized by gangs of young kids and most closed their doors around 2008. Openly gay people were routinely intimidated, and also packed up their bags.
Les hele i Politico.eu: Molenbeek broke my heart