
Migranter truet med å drepe sine barn

Migranter starter oppholdet sitt i Europa slik: De truer med å drepe egne barn. Kulturkollisjonen er total.

Integrering? 1 000 ankom Italia i går. Da den 240 fot store båten nærmet seg kysten vår, og italiensk grensepatrulje kjørte opp mot båten, stod foreldre på dekk med sine babyer dinglende over ripen. Litt av en start på å bi en del av det europeiske fellesskapet?

De fikk sin vilje. De har ankommet Europa. Verdisynet ligger et helt annet sted. I hjemlandet. Bruke sine småbarn på denne måten. Ord mangler.

Almost 1,000 illegal immigrants landed in Italy yesterday after threatening to throw babies into the sea if their rusting ship was turned back.

The 240ft Monica had been spotted in international waters during the night.

When Italian coastguard boats drew alongside, the crews were shocked to see men and women on board begin dangling the infants over the side.

The refugees – mostly Kurds and many said to be heading for Britain – calmed down only when they were assured they would not be turned away from Italy.

The ship was towed to the Sicilian port of Catania, where 400 men, 200 women and 361 children were taken to Red Cross shelters.

A never ending story? Illustrasjons-bilde.

Det fortsetter slik i Daily Mail:

The Monica was the largest single arrival for nearly five years. A coastguard-spokesman told of the drama when the ship, illegally flying the flag of Tonga, was intercepted.

He said: ‘When officers tried to draw alongside they were shocked to see those on board threaten to throw babies overboard.

They were hanging them over the side and told the coastguards not to come any closer or they would let go. Our men had never seen anything like it.

‘They only calmed down and let us on board when we assured them they were in Italian waters and they would not be taken back to where they had sailed from.

‘I understand they are mostly Kurds and many have said they were using Italy as an entry point before heading towards Britain.’

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