Hege Storhaug, HRS
En annen tanke: Hvis ikke kvinnen hadde klart å flykte og henrettelsen hadde blitt en realitet, ville saken blitt begravd sammen med liket? Antakelig ville den nok det. Igjen slås man av det som synes å være et svært ubehagelig faktum: Europa er utenfor kontroll når det gjelder overgrep på innsiden av særlig muslimske miljø.
Det er The Latin American Herald Tribune som melder om den oppsiktsvekkende hendelsen som skal ha funnet sted i mars i år. Først i november gikk politiet til arrestasjon av ni personer, hvorav syv holdes fengslet.
Nine Muslims were arrested in Spain – seven of whom are being held in prison – for allegedly trying to kill a woman they had “condemned” for adultery under Islamic Sharia law, police said Sunday.The arrested men formed a “court” that subjected the woman to a “trial” for alleged adultery according to Islamic law in a country house in the province of Tarragona, but the victim was able to flee when her captors were distracted.The incident occurred in March, and the arrests of the nine suspects came in November after several months of investigation and raids conducted by police on their homes, police said.The seven men who have been placed in prison have been accused of illegal detention, criminal conspiracy and attempted murder.This is the first time that a kidnapping of this kind has been reported in the northeastern Spanish region of Catalonia, police said, adding that they are continuing to pursue their investigation of the incident.