
Sarkozy: For mange utlendinger

Det er for mange utledninger i Frankrike. Integreringen fungerer dårligere og dårligere. Vi klarer ikke å skaffe dem bolig, jobb eller skoler, sa Frankrikes president Nicolas Sarkozy i et fjernsynsintervju nylig. I neste måned går den første runden av årets nasjonalvalg av stabelen i den franske republikken.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Nicolas Sarkozy sier han vil om lag halvere den årlige innvandringen fra 180 000 til 100 000 personer, melder Expatica. Han vil også gjøre det vanskeligere å oppnå permanent opphold i landet, og han vil stramme inn trygdesystemet: noen trygdeordninger skal man først kunne få etter ti års opphold hvis man har jobbet i minst fem av disse ti årene.

President Nicolas Sarkozy said Tuesday that there are too many immigrants in France, defending his re-election campaign promise to cut the number of new arrivals in half.

«Our system of integration is working more and more badly, because we have too many foreigners on our territory and we can no longer manage to find them accommodation, a job, a school,» Sarkozy said.

Sarkozy has been accused of tacking to the right in the run up to the April 22 first round of the French presidential election in order to recruit voters tempted by anti-immigrant candidate Marine Le Pen’s platform.

But, in a television interview, he insisted that while immigration could remain «a boon» for France in many areas, it must be controlled more tightly through tougher residency qualifications for newcomers.

«Over the five year term I think that to restart the process of integration in good conditions, we must divide by two the number of people that we welcome, that’s to say to pass from 180,000 per year to 100,000,» he said.

Sarkozy also announced new plans to limit some welfare benefit payments currently available to immigrant workers to those who have enjoyed residency for ten years and have worked for five of those.

I Norge har Ap nedsatt en arbeidsgruppe kalt ”Den norske velferdsmodellen i en ny tid», ledet av Hadia Tajik, som varsler dramatiske endringer i trygdeordningene grunnet kommende eldrebølge og innvandring.