
Arrestert for å ha oppfordret til vold mot kvinner

En ytterliggående muslimsk forkynner i Spania er arrestert etter at han oppfordret trosfeller til å bruke psykisk og fysisk vold mot “oppsetsige” hustruer. Mannen har bakgrunn fra Marokko og er sentral i en moské 30 kilometer nord for Barcelona. Han skal ha beskrevet i detalj hvordan hustruer skal straffes: slag som ikke fører til at ben brekkes, isolering av kvinnen i hjemmet, og å nekte å ha sex med henne

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Forkynneren Abdeslam Laaroussi nekter å samarbeide med påtalemakten, da han ikke annerkjenner spansk lovverk, skriver Soern Kern. Laaroussi kan dømmes til tre års fengsel.

A radical Islamic preacher in Spain has been arrested for calling on Muslims to use physical and psychological violence to «discipline» errant wives who refuse to submit to Islamic Sharia law or obey their husbands.

Spanish public prosecutors say Abdeslam Laaroussi, a charismatic imam from Morocco who preaches at a large mosque in Terrassa, an industrial city situated 30 kilometers north of Barcelona, is guilty of «incitement to violence against women» for «providing concrete examples of the manner in which wives should be beaten, how to isolate them inside the family home and how to deny them sexual relations.»

Police say witnesses provided them with recordings of sermons Laaroussi preached at the Badr Mosque in downtown Terrassa (where more than 1,500 people attend prayers services each Friday) in which he instructed his listeners to «hit women with the use of a stick, the fist or the hand so that no bones are broken and no blood is drawn.»

Laaroussi was questioned by police on March 6 but refused to provide evidence because he does not recognize the legitimacy of the Spanish state. If he is found guilty, Laaroussi could face up to three years in prison.