De britiske myndighetene advarer egne borgere om «voldelig kriminalitet» i Sverige, «tilfeller av gjengrelatert kriminalitet, inkludert skyting og eksplosjoner», og peker på byene Malmø og Gøteborg. Det heter også at «det er sannsynlig at terrorister vil prøve å begå terrorangrep i Sverige». Angrepene kan komme «på steder som turister besøker».
Canadiske myndigheter er noe mer detaljert i sine reiseråd til Sverige:
Since 2014, there has been an increase in gang and organized crime-related violence in southern Sweden, including in the cities of Gothenburg and Malmö. In Malmö, several car bombs were reported at the end of 2014. Grenade attacks on property have been taking place in the city since January 2015. On March 18, 2015, an attack occurred at a restaurant in Gothenburg, killing two people. While these incidents have not occurred in areas typically frequented by tourists, you should monitor local media and follow the advice of local authorities.
Canada peker videre på den generelle terrorsituasjonen i Europa, før det pekes spesifikt på Sverige:
In Sweden, a previous incident included a truck driven into crowds on a pedestrian street in central Stockholm, causing injuries and deaths. Further attacks in Europe are likely.
Targets could include:
government buildings, including schools
places of worship
airports and other transportation hubs and networks
public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners
Always be aware of your surroundings when in public places. Be particularly vigilant if attending sporting events and during religious holidays and other public celebrations, as terrorists have used such occasions to mount attacks.
The Government of Sweden maintains a public alert system on terrorism. The Government communicates threat level changes online and through local media.
Reisende bes også om å unngå alle demonstrasjoner, da de kan utvikle seg til å bli «voldelige».
Sjekker vi UDs hjemmeside, er det reiseråd til fem land under bokstaven S: Saudi-Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria og Sør-Sudan. Sverige er altså helt trygt? Ikke for biter og canadiere, men for nordmenn?